Monday, September 17, 2012

The Beginning

I started reading Stephen King at 13 when I picked up Christine at the used bookstore in my town. From the first chapter he had me and has had me ever since. Once I finished this book, I went back to the store and bought all the rest I could find, what they did not have I borrowed from the library until I was caught up with everything he had published.  Then the torture truly began as I had to wait for each work to be written and published. At times it really helped me understand poor Annie in Misery, sometimes the waiting is the hardest part.

I have since read almost everything, except for his book on writing and the newest addition to the Dark Tower series. This newest book inspired me to revisit Roland and read them in order as I had never done that with all the other books in between.  Which got me thinking, that if I were to reread these, I might as well read them all again, but this time I would read them all in order of when they were published.  I decided that for my 40th birthday, this would be my goal, to read every Stephen King novel again, in order, excluding the Dark Tower series which I want to read all together at the end finishing with the new novel in one year.  (This last bit in itself is asking a lot as I will have to wait an entire year to read the new novel)

Hence, the Stephen King Project was born and as a way for me to track my progress and my thoughts on each novel, I decided to create the blog.  So, constant reader, follow along as down the rabbit hole (or storm drains) we go. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun journey this ought to be... I can't think of a better "guide" than you, my friend!
