Monday, November 26, 2012


Most people identify with this through the movie as it was when Drew Barrymore was still a cute little kid and not very long after ET it seems to me.  I don't remember the movie, not sure that I saw it.  The book is about a couple who meet in college when both sign up for Lot Six tests as they need the $200 that is being offered for participating in the test. This drug, Lot Six, is a government experiment to see if you can cause a mutation in people that will make them effective weapons against our enemies. The man and woman involved in these tests both gain some telekinetic ability, but their daughter, Charlie, is the real prize as she is a pure mutation from the two of them. She is a pyrokinetic and has the ability to light objects on fire with her mind. Her dad has what he calls "the push", which means that he can push people into thinking specific things or doing things that he needs them to. Unfortunately, using his talent causes him physical pain in the form of debilitating headaches.  His wife had the ability to move objects using her mind.  One day the government decides to move on them and take Charlie as they are worried that the parents are on to them and will run with her.  They torture and kill the mom to find Charlie and then take her on the run. The did gets the feeling that something is wrong and he manages to chase them down and get Charlie back.  From that moment on the two of them are constantly on the run.  Along the way they hurt some people and destroy a home of people who helped them.

Eventually Charlie and her dad are caught and taking to the "Shop" for testing.  While there they are separated and forced to undergo testing to determine the extent of their abilities. Charlie refuses to cooperate as she is scared of her abilities. This is where the bad guy, Rainbird, comes in to befriend her and trick her into using her abilities. Of course he is going to betray her as once she has performed for the government he is going to kill her. Andy pushes several of his captors and comes up with an escape plan, that then goes horribly wrong.  At this time it is up to Charlie to figure out a way to be free of the shop and be accepted for her abilities.

This is a pretty good story, I love the affection between Charlie and her dad, the tension builds up nicely and leaves you eagerly anticipating the next chapter. I actually would love to see this story revisited, what Charlie is like now as a grown up, is the Shop still after her, that kind of thing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. I only remember people talking about the movie and got the impression that it was a horror flick about an evil little girl who starts fires with her mind. Erck. Your review sets it straight and redeems the characters. smile.
